[103 美國直購] CW-X Men's Stabilyx Running Tights 男款 S,M,L號 慢跑緊身褲 (2xu,skins 可參考)
[103 美國直購] CW-X Men's Stabilyx Running Tights 男款 S,M,L號 慢跑緊身褲 (2xu,skins 可參考)。影音與家電人氣店家玉山最低比價網的

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The CW-X Stabilyx Tight provides optimum Targeted Support to both the lower back/core area and the knee joint and surrounding muscles for greater overall stability, powerand endurance.
ASIN: B004QM9874
Product Dimensions: 8.9 x 6.4 x 2.1 inches; 1 pounds
Shipping Weight: 1 pounds
Origin: Thailand
Item model number: 225809A

Product Description
The CW-X Stabilyx men's tights provide optimum targeted support to the core and knees, making them ideal for runners and other athletes whose joints need maximum protection. The Stabilyx tights are made using CW-X's patented Support Web, which bands together the muscles and ligaments of the lower leg to stabilize the knee and reduce vibration.
The CW-X Support Web creates an exoskeletal support system that improves your biomechanics during motion.
The Support Web also supports the lower abdominals, hips, and back, helping you harness your midsection and channel power through your core. With the Stabilyx tights, you'll run with authority and efficiency, a must for athletes who want to train safely. In addition, Stabilyx tights increase circulation during and after your workout, minimizing lactic acid buildup so you can be active longer and recover faster. And the Stabilyx tights are safe any time of day or night thanks to the six reflective strips and reflective logo, which provide 360-degree visibility after dark.
The tights' comfort stems from the 80 percent Coolmax/20 percent Lycra four-way-stretch body fabric, which pulls moisture away from the body to the outside of the tight. Anatomically engineered specifically for men, the tights also feature a flat seam construction that eliminates abrasions, increases comfort, and enhances the fit. Additional features include a key pocket and a double-reinforced waistband with a flat drawcord.
The CW-X Support Web
Patented CW-X Support Web technology mimics the kinesiology-taping techniques that trainers apply to injured muscles. When this technology is applied to muscles and joints, it creates an exoskeletal support system that improves your biomechanics during motion. This targeted support reduces muscle vibration to help your muscles work more efficiently, while also boosting circulation and reducing the buildup of lactic acids. With the CW-X Support Web, you can be active longer and recover faster.
Coolmax and Lycra Fabrics
The heart of CW-X is an obedience to the structure of the body, made possible by Coolmax and Lycra fibers. Coolmax is the fastest-drying fabric known to man. It moves moisture instantaneously from the body out to the fabric's outer surface, where it evaporates at twice the speed of cotton. This keeps you cool at even the highest temperatures. And with less energy spent cooling the body, you'll have more energy left to help you excel. Lycra, on the other hand, possesses the unique ability to stretch while still retaining its shape.

About CW-X
CW-X is dedicated to people around the world who love the exhilaration and challenge of sports. The CW-X brand is the creation of Japan's Wacoal Corp, the world's largest manufacturer of intimate apparel. Combining its scientific knowledge of the human anatomy with its experience in complex fabrications and apparel design, Wacoal Corp engineered the CW-X brand to meet the sports performance needs of the active U.S. consumer. In a study in Montpelier, France, runners wearing shorts, regular spandex tights, and CW-X Conditioning tights were measured comparing VO2 oxygen uptake levels over 15 minutes of running at 80 percent of maximal effort. When wearing CW-X tights, runners showed 26 percent and 36 percent lower oxygen use compared to runners wearing regular tights and shorts respectively.

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發表者 YA******, 2016/04/07 20:40:30
發表者 許秉*, 2015/05/25 20:19:30


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